About the Journal
Herbal Medicines Journal of Indonesia (JIFMI) is a scientific journal that publishes original articles on pharmaceutical sciences that cover the role of useful plants in the world of medicine and pharmacy. Herbal Medicines Journal of Indonesia (JIFMI) is published by the research and community service center (P3M) STIKes YLPP with a frequency of 2 publications in one year in June and December. JIFMI uses the Open Journal System (OJS) operating system version 3 in managing and publishing peer-reviewed electronic journals. We open manuscripts in various fields of pharmacy by prioritizing the ethical values of research from within and outside the country.
ISSN : 2985-7414 (Print - Cetak)
ISSN : 2964-3163 (Online - Elektronik)
URL : https://ojs.stikesylpp.ac.id/index.php/JIFMI
Frequency : Published in June, and December
Published by : LPPM STIKes YLPP